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Testimony: Youth Conference (Led By The Holy Spirit )

Charles Mugwiza is the youth chairman at Seguku Worship Center Yesu Akwagala, We asked him a few questions in subject to the previous youth conferences and the forth coming conference taking place from 15th to 20th MAY 2023.

''In the 2015 conference is when I re- committed to follow Christ as my personal Lord and saviour. One of the preachers made an emphasis to us who had grown up in church but don't know when we gave our lives to Christ. Personally, I had no account for that because I started going to Church with my parents when I was moths old, they told me. So, in this conference I confessed Christ in my own words and the conviction from Christ personally.

I have received Prophecies from God and some have been fulfilled while I wait on others.

 My friends have been blessed through these conferences and I have seen them being elevated by God''.

Expectations that Charles has in this coming youth conference

- I expect to learn more on relating with the person of the Holy Spirit

In his own words, Charles invites you to this Coming Youth Conference

Sometimes it may not make sense for you to come but I encourage you to come and you will surely have an encounter with the Holy Spirit. In the days of your youth, devote your life and time to knowing Jesus and this will be a great opportunity for you to do so.


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