Pastor Stuart Davids Kuunya
Part 3 of the sermon titled "The God of Restoration" delivered by Pastor Stuart Davids Kuunya.
''I don’t know what you are Pastor Stuart Davids Kuunya
Part 3 of the sermon titled "The God of Restoration" delivered by Pastor Stuart Davids Kuunya.
''I don’t know w going through, but I am here to introduce you to a God who performs miracles. Church, it is only GOD WHO CAN SAVE YOU. The devil comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. Coming into this place, we have come to have Koinonia with the Father.
Jeremiah 15:10 - Jeremiah was known as a weeping prophet during his time. People lived in sin, and he was the voice of God during his time, representing God's message. Often when we are challenged by life's circumstances, we tend to complain. However, he is calling us to return and abide before Him. We must know that the safest place we have on earth is in the presence of God. Loving the one and only God, He wants to restore us. As a wise man once said, 'An unexamined life is not worth living,' and time is short, limited. We all have an assignment to bring and expand the kingdom of GOD.
Many things are happening around the world. The world is waiting for the third world war, the world is waiting for the mark of the beast, there are wars, floods everywhere, and all sorts of catastrophes. But you and I are waiting for the glorious hope of GOD. One day.
So, He is telling the prophet, if you return. Note: the word 'IF' is mentioned one thousand six hundred times in the Bible. Every day, I have a choice to return to GOD.
1 John 1:8-9 - No matter how deep you are in sin, grace is available if you repent and return to God. Jesus said, 'Come to me.' Jesus went to the cross to unload us. Every day, we have a choice to return to GOD. If we confess our sin, God is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
2 Chronicles 7:14 - If we return and humble ourselves, God is able to heal us and touch us, even touching the government and leadership of Uganda. We cannot save this country; we have to look unto God to save it. We have to look to God for Him to come and touch our leaders. If we don't pray for our country, the issues around you will also overtake you. We have to return to Him, and God will heal our land.
We should pray; that's our position as a Christian and an ambassador of heaven.
Deuteronomy 28:1, -3 - Most of us are on the side of asking God, and God is saying obedience. God wants you to listen to His voice, get it into your heart, and your life will be changed. God wants to listen to His voice and get it into your heart. We have many ideas, but God wants a Rhema word in your life. There is that Rhema word. If you obey the voice of the Lord, verse 3 will happen to you. Before you claim you are blessed, you must understand verse 3 and recognize the blessings related to your life. Have you returned to your Maker? Have you created room for Him? Ephesians 6 says our warfare is not of flesh and blood. In business, we need the power of the Holy Spirit to conquer the cities because people are offering their children as sacrifices for success. God wants us to rule over the mountains of influence, but on those mountains, there are gods.
1 John 1:3-5 - Behold the kind of love the LORD HAS BESTOWED ON US. The moment you get to know God, nothing can stop you. We are God's children, so we shouldn't walk in fear. If God is on our side, then who can be against us? If He did not spare His son, then what can come against us."
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