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 On the sacred day of Pentecost, ,The Prophetic Worship Cycle became a catalyst for divine encounters. It was a powerful cycle of heavenly wind, God's glory touching lives across generations, and the liberation from various bondages. The manifestation of the Holy Spirit's power during this extraordinary move left a lasting impact on all who were present.

As the worshippers lifted up their voices to the heavens in anticipation led by  Mrs Racheal Kaweesa Damulira, Hearts were primed to receive the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The worship began, melodies rising like incense, and a sense of reverence filled the atmosphere.

In the midst of  intense worship, the eyes of many were opened to see beyond the earthly realm. Visions of heaven flooded the gathering, revealing glimpses of the glory and majesty of God, a divine connection was established between heaven and earth.

The weight of God's glory descended upon the congregation. It was a tangible touch that penetrated hearts, leaving no one untouched. The young and the old alike experienced the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, as chains of bondage began to shatter, and freedom took hold.

In this sacred moment, prophetic messages were released, unveiling divine truths and bringing forth words of deliverance. The Holy Spirit moved through His vessels, using Pastor Stuart Davids Kuunya as a channel to speak directly into the lives of individuals, addressing specific bondages and bringing liberation., light and hope.

The day of Pentecost was a powerful demonstration of the Holy Spirit's manifestation, as well as a testament to the transformative power of worship and the Holy Spirit's presence. Young and old were impacted, and keys to deliverance were received by the attendees who poured their hearts to the Lord in exaltation. 

This event serves as an invitation for us today to seek  and worship God through  the upcoming prophetic worship on 25TH JUNE 2023, allowing His glory to touch and transform our lives. May we be awakened to the power of the Holy Spirit and embrace the freedom He offers, carrying His light to a world in need.

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